Photo credit to Get Fully Funded
I love the hum and buzz around New Years: the awe-striking resolutions, the zest to have the New Year be the best year ever. The atmosphere is always filled with such hope. Waking up to a new year is undoubtedly a blessing. Everyone loves a fresh start, whether to right the wrongs or to continue in their exploits. I have often thought that the world would be a much better place if people maintained the same can-do spirit they have at New Year, don’t you? I mean; what if everyone lived out their resolutions! Unfortunately, the majority of us are guilty of losing track of our resolutions and goals somewhere between one New Year and the next.
2023; this narrative needs to change. There is that saying about doing things the same way and expecting different results, by Einstein; was it? Breaking it down: a resolution is basically a goal and every goal needs a strategy for it to be realized.
Personal Strategic Planning
I imagine many that will be reading this article have been involved in strategic planning in different organizations. Organizations develop strategic plans so as to remain on course and allow for the tracking of progress toward goals. For those that may be new to the concept, strategic planning is about analysis: i.e., breaking down a goal into steps, designing how the steps may be implemented, and estimating the anticipated consequences of each step, according Henry Mintzberg’s article ‘The rise and Fall of Strategic Planning’ in 1994.
We can develop personal strategic plans in order to have a way to assess ourselves through the year to see what was achieved, what wasn’t, why it wasn’t and what can be changed in order to achieve it the following year or strategic phase. In the words of Dorothy Canfield Fisher (an educational reformer, social activist and author), “If we would give, just once, the same amount of reflection to what we want out of life that we give to the question of what to do with a two weeks’ vacation, we would be startled at our false standards and the aimless procession of our busy days.”
Steps to developing a personal strategic plan
The science and art of strategy formulation remains constant, whether it is for an institution or for an individual. These are some of the questions that would guide your personal strategic plan:
It is absolutely fulfilling to see through a strategic plan and much more a personal strategic plan. Think about it by December 2023, you could actually have the answer to, “Where did the year go?”