Develop your personal strategic plan

I love the hum and buzz around New Years: the awe-striking resolutions, the zest to have the New
Year be the best year ever. The atmosphere is always filled with such hope. Waking up to a new
year is undoubtedly a blessing. Everyone loves a fresh start, whether to right the wrongs or to
continue in their exploits… Read more

The journey of a thousand miles

Don’t you just love those moments when you learn a story about someone or something and it makes
you see it in a whole new light and suddenly you attach such sentimental value to it? We have grown
up listening to stories. It is how our parents/ caregivers explained the world to our younger selves and
for many of us we never quite forgot the lessons attached… Read more

The hustlers’ strategy

I had a huge debate with some friends the other day. It was supposed to be one of those lunches
where you remind each other of past experiences with some sense of nostalgia. You know how
we are all prone to romanticizing the past as soon as the future begins to frighten us; that is what
we were doing on this day. Well, being Kenyans, one of the things we stumbled over in the
‘past’ was the inauguration of a new government… Read more

Upskilling your staff

Relationships. One word that will get conversations going in any setting. The concept is also
anchored in a world of controversy particularly in this century; some genre being more

controversial than others. You will hardly hear disagreements about the dynamics of a parent-
child relationship, probably because by natural order, very little is left to the imagination… Read more

Strategic leadership amidst political uncertainty in Kenya

Barely three weeks to the national elections in Kenya, and the decline in business is notable. The
reduction of profits in many entities and in some cases the closure of entire business ventures is
announcing the forthcoming politically induced comma of the business world. This is not a new
phenomenon in Kenya; a report by Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN) in 2013, just
before the general election, revealed the same thing… Read more

It’s never too late. Or is it?

It’s about that time of year when everyone starts to reminisce with a sense of guilt about their
resolutions at the beginning of the year. The struggle is between bowing out and waiting for
next year to start all over and mastering all will to try and fit your goals within the last quarter.
Aside with our personal resolutions to cut back on screen time or the more universal ‘I will get
in shape this year’; where do organizations stand matters strategic plans?… Read more

Strategic thinking: Reflections for the post-COVID-19 business environment

“Kenya’s economy has shown considerable resilience to the enormous shock of the pandemic, and this
year is expected to post one of the stronger growth rebounds in the region thanks to diversified sources of
growth and sound economic policies and management,” Keith Hansen, World Bank Country Director for
Kenya (Hansen, 2021 Dec)… Read more

Strategic planning and acting: What works and what does not

Since the wake of 1960, strategic planning has remained prominent in corporations. The quest
has been to enhance the competitiveness of each business unit in the growing economies.
Frederick Taylor developed a philosophy in 1909 based on the belief that making people work as
hard as they could was not as efficient as optimizing the way the work was done. In his
published work “The Principles of Scientific Management” he proposes that by optimizing and
simplifying jobs, productivity would increase… Read more


